It’s been and unbelievable 3 weeks to say the least. Our first few days were a blur we were so incredibly tired due to the 14 hour time difference. We arrived on Saturday at midnight and started work on Monday morning.
We spend most of our days working at Antique Cafe as baristas. The other half of our day we spend time working for the ministry connected with Antique which we can’t mention for safety reasons for the ladyboys who we work with.Currently the ministry is partnering with Love 146 in the research on statistics of ladyboys in Bangkok in particular the 3 red light districts one of them being out neighborhood.We have the privilege of meeting with ladyboys in bars and on the street and gathering information from their lives everything from where thy grew up to their first sexual experience.The purpose of this research is that most information we have on prostitution and sex trafficking are based on women alone and not on the men who are also very much involved.We have adjusted to Bangkok and we are seeing God move a lot in Bangkok which has been encouraging.
With love,
Team Thailand (Laura, Yordanos, and Lisa)