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Team India: One Week Until Departure.

Writer's picture: DeputeesDeputees

Updated: Jul 11, 2019

With the end of the quarter drawing even closer, all of us are seriously cracking down on finishing up with school and trying to get everything together (including our brains) to get on the plane to India next Monday.The pressure to perform in final exams, the stress of a life-changing summer ahead and the constant dreaming and longing for future days coax our tired minds down a spiraling path of anxiety, stress, and exhaustion. Long days, short nights. But on the horizon, there is change. I know it’s cliche to talk about how fast time has gone by, but it really has! It feels like last month that we all turned in our deputation applications and now it’s barely a week away from our departure. 

After months of searching and bonding and dreaming of the adventure on the horizon, we’re finally stepping into the unknown and it’s being met with a myriad of emotions. People keep asking us questions like; “What are you most excited for?,” and “What are you most afraid of?” I’m not sure about the rest of my team but that second question has really got me thinking lately. It’s hard to answer because what do we really have to be afraid of? When has anything that God called me to do ever turned out poorly? There is no guarantee that anything we are called to do will be easy; all we know is we have been called and we must answer. But this is a test of faith as any big step into the unknown is, and I know He will take care of me and my team and use this experience to help us grown a little more wise. So to answer the question, “What are you afraid of?”… The answer is nothing, really. 

I’m sure that through this journey we will encounter both questions and answers, build friendships and struggle through trials; but it is with confidence that I say that God has brought us together to help us grow. Without being grateful for the moment in which I now live, I’ve found it impossible to truly cherish the moments discovered in the future. We are all so grateful to be blessed with this amazing opportunity and excited for what lies less than a week ahead. 

-Jenna Mark & Team (Kyle Sweet, Betsy Floyd, Andrew Yabusaki.)

Interesting fact about India: India is the birthplace of chess. The original word for “chess” is the Sanskrit: chaturanga, meaning “four members of an army”—which were mostly likely elephants, horses, chariots, and foot soldiers.

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