Team South Africa: Will, Kiesha, Sophia, and Zach
They will be serving with Hope Prison Ministries – partaking in the raising of a new generation of Christian leaders from within South Africa’s prisons in and around Capetown.

Team India: Sarah and Aubrey
They will be serving with missionaries Prem and Rita James at Asha Kiran special needs school in Bangalore. They will support the school staff inside and outside the classroom.

Team Haiti: Haley, Stephanie, and Alessia
They will be serving with Maranatha Ministries in Port-au-Prince. These three will be helping at a six-week-long children’s camp.

Team Peru: Jenna and Ashley
They will be serving with Youth Missions International missionary Julio Serrano. They will partake in the local church ministry as well as spend some time ministering to natives in the Amazon Rainforest.

Team Serbia: Casie and Angelina
They will be serving with Samuil Petrovski in Serbia as well as Croatia. They will spend a lot of time building relationships with college-age students and taking part in reconciliation ministries.
This month, our deputees will begin the training process as they prepare to travel abroad this summer. Please keep each team in your prayers as they prepare their hearts and minds for their trips. Additionally, keeping each team in your prayers over the summer would be much appreciated. Thanks!