Team South Africa - Durban: Hannah Avila and Brianna Lacy

Team Haiti: Mollie Thompson, Heidi Humphrey, Ethan Buchan and Meghan Hutton

Team India: Kyle Sweet, Jenna Mark, Andrew Yabusaki and Betsy Floyd

Team South Africa - Cape Town: John Franco, Eli Chin, Aaron Trask and Peter Clinkenbeard

Team Thailand: Yordanos Beyene, Laura Nagel and Lisa Lehmann (not pictured)

Team Ireland: Levi Buchan, Nikki Olson, Evan Therrien and Sarah Karangelen (not pictured)

Team Cambodia: Meghann Butler, Katie Thomas and Dina Basarab

Team Western Europe: David Wood, Drew Washut, Tim Carter, Kevin Wang, Christian Taylor, Ryan Andrews, Thomas Wilcox, Chris Thurton and Nathan Vail
Please be praying for all of our deputees as the head out this summer to serve around the world!