for those of you who dont know the “hakuna matata” song in the Lion King, i suggest you rent it and watch it! not only is it a classic, but it pretty much illustrates our experience on safari! (which was a few weeks back-sorry for the late update!) It was SOOOO incredible to roam around the wild in a sideless 4 wheel jeep looking at animals as they pass only feet in front of you. (PLUS, we had the sweetest guide ever,Jackson…who by the end of the trip we all wanted to fly back with us!)
The words “hakuna matata” means no worries in swahili and while i’d love to say thats been the theme of our whole trip, the truth is that we’ve had our fair share of worries (illness, home sickness, submitting to a different culture and set of rules, living in close quarters with strangers, the list goes on…) the cool thing however is that as we’ve walked through some of these (individually and as a team) we’ve gotten to see glimpses of God, that we very well might not have seen otherwise! its also given us a chance to further bond with each other!
So while we may have left thinking we were going to serve these children at Rafiki…god pulled the old switcharoo on us and it turns out Kenya, Rafiki, and every kid here has been working on our hearts! And while it may have taken us longer than we would have hoped to get into a good stride…i think we’de all agree that we’ve come to a place where we appreciate the opportunity we’ve been given and recognize it now as a gift and blessing, not a sacrifice. And with that, we have all really come to appreciate those who helped get us here to experience gods mystery and adventure that we continue to experience on a daily basis!
as of right now (its 9:57 pm on sunday july 29th) which means we only have 11 more days til we leave!!! holy moly, where does the time go?!? i know i speak for the whole group when i ask for prayers…that we can get home safely, that we can be present our last week and a half here, that we can begin the daunting task of transitioning back home and deal with reverse culture shock (maybe pray that we dont get home and out of rage and disgust with our privilege give all our clothes away to the goodwill!) pray for energy, health, wisdom, patience and understanding as the 4 of us might not deal with these aspects in the same way!
we thank you for your continued support and dont take it for granted! we are continually reminded that none of this would be possible without the people back home who sent us out with their love….and its with that love we are able to spread it to the kids! In that sense i guess we really dont have any worries! so maybe “hakuna matata” will be our slogan for this trip after all! THANK YOU!!!
