Yes, that’s right, we will be in Haiti in 4 teeny tiny little days. Which is crazy when we think that in a week from now we will already be quite adjusted to our new habitat. We fly out at 9:30 pm on Monday so we won’t get to see the Bachelorette. You’ll have to fill us in or we’ll be so stressed. We agreed as a team that sleeping on the plane is totally ok because we’ll have so much time together all summer, and also sleeping totally rocks.
So for the next 8 weeks! We will be in Tabarre, right outside Port-au-Prince, helping out at a camp through Maranatha Childrens Ministries. We will be kind of teaching English? Teaching other stuff? Still a little unclear in this area, but we know we’ll be hanging out with a bunch of wee ones ages 4 to 14. Same kids for 6 weeks! We’re trusting that that’s a good thing! Ethan is one of only two spider-killers/guys, and there will be four other girls besides Heidi, Meghan, and Mollie.
Today I spent all of next year’s milk money on bug spray and sunscreen. We hope for the best and prepare for the worst as we really don’t know what to expect. Expectations seem to be kind of a big deal since we get asked about them all the time these days. Do we have them? Sure. Hundred degree humidity, smiling children, upset tummies, the occasional ambrosial beach. But I don’t actually care that much if any of these wild hopes and dreams come true.
One expectation will be not only met but exceeded. I know without a doubt that God is going change me. He is going to make me more into the person I was created to be, and more like Him. I don’t know what this is going to look like or how it is going to happen, so I sit on the edge of my seat with the rest of you, and the popcorn is going too dang fast, I am so excited.
It’s an adventure alright, but not just because we’re off to a foreign country where all we know how to say is “excuse me sir, do you understand English?”. A place is a place, and people are people, and staying in Seattle is honestly no less noble than flying South for the summer. We are blessed with such an awesome opportunity, and I can hardly wait to experience the culture and meet the people, but the greatest part is the fact that we all felt called to this. We know God has plans for us there and we will have our eyes wide open. During the Deputation process, none of us asked to go anywhere specifically. Since Haiti is a new trip, it didn’t even cross our minds as a possibility, and now we’re going to spend two months there! What have we gotten ourselves into! Something wonderful. Please pray for us to live fully present in the adventure God has planned for us this summer, whatever that may be. I hope the same for you.
-Mollie Thompson, Heidi Humphrey, Ethan Buchan & Meghan Hutton