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Keeping Up with the Cambodians.

Last Friday I pulled an all nighter. This time it wasn’t to finish my English paper or study for my psych midterm. This time it was an...

Passport Stamps!

Hello friends and family, we apoligize for our lack of posts, we have been busy traveling the beautiful Balkan! Since we first stepped...

CTM Kenya in Mombasa!

Hello again everyone! We survived our trip to Mombasa! We’ll start at the beginning: The week after Kisumu was pretty chill. We did the...

Summer is Flying By!

I can’t believe how quickly time has passed. August brings with it the return of the Deputation teams. Below is a list of their return...

Team Ecuador!

Our pictures will be posted to a shutterfly account that will be illuminated to your knowledge when we upload images. This post will be...


Stay up to date with current deputees in their countries.


Photos of past and present deputees.

current teams

See where the teams are placed and who are on the deputation teams.


Keep up to date with the students abroad.

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